I am a living example of this old saying.
Currently not being able to move as well as I would like. Everyday gets better and better but still...I can't do my darn downward dog!
Yoga has many more paths than the physical... but right now I am craving the physical asana of yoga.
And with out the physical makes the mental and spiritual so much harder.
But there is yoga that aides the lower back. Not sure what exactly is ailing me but I am gathering it has something to do with the discs in my lower back. Here are some poses you can do to ease the pain of lower back issues.
Yoga for Slipped Disk
- Makarasana (crocodile pose)
- Jyestikasana ( superior Pose)
- Advasana (Reversed Corpse Pose) & Shavasana (Corpse pose) as resting pose
Stage 2:
- Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
- Ardha Chakrasana (half-moon pose)
- Marjariasana (Cat pose).
I am going back to my room now to practice some of these.
Thank you for sharing information about the marjariasana. It's really informative.